Art. | für HP Patronen-Nr. / for HP Cartridge-No. |
Color | |
FHQ78DC | 17, 23, 25, 41, 49, 78 | Cyan | D |
FHQ78DY | Yellow | D | |
FHQ78DM | Magenta | D | |
6656AK | 15, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 45, 56, 300, 301, 336, 337, 338, 339, 350, 901 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
6656AU | Black PIGMENT | U | |
F6657AC | 22, 28, 57, 300, 301, 342, 343, 344, 351, 901 | Cyan | D |
F6657AY | Yellow | D | |
F6657AM | Magenta | D | |
F6658AD | 58, 348 | Photo-Cyan | D |
F6658AN | Photo-Magenta | D | |
F6658AT | Photo-Black | D | |
C9368V | 100, 102 | Photo-Grau hell | B |
C9368W | Photo-Grau mittel | B | |
C9368T | Photo-Grau dunkel | B | |
4871 | 80 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
F4846 | 80 | Cyan | D |
F4848 | Yellow | D | |
F4847 | Magenta | D | |
C8721 | 363 | Black | B |
F8771C | 363 | Cyan | D |
F8773Y | Yellow | D | |
F8772M | Magenta | D | |
F8774D | Photo-Cyan | D | |
F8775N | Photo-Magenta | D | |
4844A | 10, 11, 88 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
F4836AC | 11, 88 | Cyan | D |
F4838AG | Yellow | D | |
F4837AM | Magenta | D | |
C4906K | 940 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
C4907C | 940 | Cyan PIGMENT | P |
C4909C | Magenta PIGMENT | P | |
C4908C | Yellow PIGMENT | P | |
CB304C | 110 | Cyan | D |
CB304G | Yellow | D | |
CB304M | Magenta | D | |
CB316U | 364, 920 | Black PIGMENT | U |
CB316T | 364 | Black (Photo) | D |
CB318C | 364, 920 | Cyan | D |
CB320G | Yellow | D | |
CB319M | Magenta | D | |
CN053AEU | 932, 950 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
CN054AEC | 933, 951 | Cyan PIGMENT | P |
CN055AEM | Magenta PIGMENT | P | |
CN056AEY | Yellow PIGMENT | P | |
HP934U | 934 | Black PIGMENT | U |
HP935C | 935 | Cyan | D |
HP935M | Magenta | D | |
HP935Y | Yellow | D | |
HP970U | 970, 980 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
HP970C | 971, 980 | Cyan PIGMENT | P |
HP970M | Magenta PIGMENT | P | |
HP970G | Yellow PIGMENT | P | |
C2P05AEK | 62, 302 | DEEP Black PIGMENT | K |
C2P07AEC | 62, 302 | Cyan | D |
C2P07AEM | Magenta | D | |
C2P07AEY | Yellow | D |
SC | color | Tinte | Ink |
B | black ink | wasserbasierend | dyebased |
U | black ink | pigmentiert | pigmented |
K | deep black ink | pigmentiert | pigmented |
D | color ink | wasserbasierend | dyebased |
P | color ink | pigmentiert | pigmented |
C | clean | Reinigungsflüssigkeit | clean-fluid |
Sie erhalten Compedo Inkjet-Tinten standardmäßig in 20kg-Kanistern. Eine Abfüllung in Gebindegrößen zwischen 1kg und 10kg, sowie in Gebinde bis zu 1.000kg ist nach Absprache möglich.
Compedo inkjet inks come standard in 20kg canisters. A filling in container sizes between 1kg and 10kg, and in containers of up to 1,000 kg is available upon request.
Bei Interesse an unseren Inkjet-Tinten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über unser Kontaktformular, per Email oder telefonisch. Unter Angabe möglicher Abnahme-Mengen erhalten Sie von unseren Mitarbeitern im Verkauf Preisübersichten für alle Inkjet-Tinten.
If you are interested in our inkjet inks, please contact us via our contact form, by email or by phone. By stating possible acceptance quantities, you will receive price overviews for all inkjet inks from our sales team.